Consultation programs
in compassionate communication
The consultation programs in compassionate communication offers personalized support in a difficult or urgent situation, where the communication has impacted the relationships with conflicts and dissatisfactions.
The sessions will allow you to improve your ability to :
Clarify your message to express yourself, boundaries and requests, with benevolence and authenticity.
Renew your communication skills with authenticity and empathy.
Come out of guilt and shame and build your self-esteem.
Regain trust in your capacities, enhance trust in yourself, with others.
Experience connection to activate creativity, innovation and change in your life.
Learn and practice how to move from conflicts to dialogue in a constructive and healthy way.
Is this service for you ?
You are going through a conflict situation and judgements are part of your inner dialogue or are present within the communication and you need support to move towards a peaceful resolution?
You want support to sort out and untangle a personal or professional situation that occurs with confrontation.
You are going through a period of emotional intensity or significant changes, a time where your needing to renew your ressources as your seeking compassion as well as a sustainable change?
Why should I take this service ?
- To allow yourself to receive an empathic support, experiment and practice empathy to develop this ability.
- To amplify your comprehension and understanding of the relationship dynamics that limit your life and capacities.
- To develop the capacity to make choices in alignment with your values and needs rather that act upon your reactions.
- To learn to express your feelings and needs without judgments, criticism, blame, to generate more collaboration.
Discovering empathy
A total of 3 sessions of 90 minutes to 2 hours planned within a three months period, to support you to receive and practice empathy.
The fees can be covered with one paiement via PayPal
with this link or by an Interac transfer.
Exploring authenticity
A total of 5 sessions of 90 minutes to 2 hours planned within a three months period, to support you with empathy & to develop your capacity of empathy, self-empathy and honest expression.
The fees can be covered with one paiement via this PayPal link
or by an Interac transfer
or with 3 paiements of 230$.
Integration of
A total of 7 sessions of 90 minutes to 2 hours within a 7-month period.
✴ Includes content, integration tools and specific exercises to download to maximize your potential.
✴ Access to 2 emergency phone calls
The fees can be covered with one paiement via this PayPal link
or by an Interac transfer
or with 5 paiements of 200$.
Exercices and documents will be proposed to support you in the learning process.
A free session of 30 minutes is offered previously by telephone or online video call, to support you with clarity and to make agreements.
Consultation are offered online with a video conference call or a supplement can be charged for a VIP meeting in your environment.
This service is tax free as Dialogo is a small business.
I offer these programs with on one-on-one sessions with individuals, as well as with two or more people, to support communication in relationships in a way that sustains and contributes to trust, understanding and harmony.
- Sylvain Heroux -