Compassionate communication, inspired from the approach of Marshall B. Rosenberg nonviolent communication, gradually helps make more peaceful relations in couples, families, schools, community groups and businesses.
This type of communication provides favorable conditions to :
Express what is important to us, with respect and care.
Learn to shift from an “attack-defense” mode of communication
Learn authenticity and the hability to listen without judgement in our relationships as innovative skillset.
The compassionate communication approch
Compassionate communication, also referred to by the term of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) is offered addressed to people who are committed to live these values :
- Learn how to recognize & respond to ones needs in a peaceful manner in benevolence and respect for the needs of the other.
- Develop its capacity to be attentive, to listen and to express themselves genuinely.
- Develop capacities to address conflicts in a collaborative way to sustain satisfaction in relationships with others.
Carolyne Dupré is the mother of 3 kids, an Certified Trainer form the CNVC Center for NonViolent Communication, consultant in « compassionate communication ». She is a unique woman, who has trained in NVC since 2012 as well as the inner relationship focussig. She teaches diverse and rich learning workshops and is a pedagogue nourishing it’s audience with purposeful experiences, practical and effective tools, examples and exercises to contribute to a deeper integration to innovative interpersonal skills.
It is with her communicative talent and enthusiasm that she offers trainings, workshops, conferences since 2005 to many audiences and now consultations and family camp to : parents, children, families, educators, teachers as well as with youth with cooperative games as a tool for the prevention of bullying.
She has developed and consolidated her skills leading to positive changes to relationship problems and challenges in interpersonnal communication to inspire learning, change and understanding of the real causes of conflicts, allowing us to change our perspective and choose solutions that meet the needs of everyone.

Consultation programs in compassionate communication
The consultation programs in compassionate communication offers personalized support in a difficult or urgent situation, where the communication has impacted the relationships with conflicts and dissatisfactions.
Regain trust in your capacities, enhance trust in yourself, with others.
Experience connection to activate creativity, innovation and change in your life.
Learn and practice how to move from conflicts to dialogue in a constructive and healthy way.
Are you going through conflicts and feel stuck and you long for empathy, a non judgmental compassion ?
You need support to move towards a peaceful resolution with authenticity?
Are you noticing that critics and judgements are part of your inner dialogue towards yourself and your tired of feeling less than happy and experience blame, guilt or shame?
You want support to increase awareness and self esteem in your every day life?
You are going through a period of emotional intensity and you are seeking to expand your ability to express your vulnerability in a healthy way?